The Place & Emotion Masterclass

Nobody exists in a vacuum. As human beings, as women, we occupy nooks and crannies of this universe, the same way we fly through rooms, sweat in kitchens, day dream in buses -- this masterclass is committed to the exploration of the relationship between a place and your heart. The Place & Emotion Masterclasses is devoted to exploring the relationship we, as writers and as women have with the spaces we occupy in this world. The corridors of hospital rooms, our sister’s beds, boarding school dormitories, the cover of a thousand trees. There are places in which we have formed core memories that are welded into the fabrics of our minds – we at TAANI are holding this class to dive into those places and enrich ourselves.

The masterclass will be held at The Library of the Mike Adenuga Centre, Victoria Island on Saturday 17th of August from 2.00pm-5.00pm. Applicants must therefore be based in Lagos, or be in town for the duration of the masterclass.

To participate in this masterclass, you will need to produce a piece of writing that explores the relationship between place and emotion. We want to read from you and enter into the worlds you weave into existence.

The writing prompt is as follows:

Take us to a place in your mind that houses a version of yourself that you miss, or that you would like to go back to. Ground us in the physical terrain of the place, with descriptions that put the reader exactly where you are. Even as you focus on the outside, give us an insight into the emotional landscape you occupied in that place, what was going on inside you as the outside world cradled you?

Your flash essay should not exceed 500 words.

Successful applicants will be sent emails with further information and pre-assigned readings in preparation for the class.

Submissions open on the 3rd of August 2024 at 12 noon and close on Friday the 9th of August at 6pm. Successful applicants will be contacted a few days after submissions close.

PLEASE NOTE: Previous winners and shortlisted winners from The Abebi Award and selected writers for previous masterclasses are not allowed to apply for the masterclass.

To Apply